Home » Silk Road Travel Guide » Silk Road Shopping

Shopping in Kashgar

Shopping in Kashgar

Kashgar shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Kashgar markets,bazaars department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping in Turpan

Shopping in Turpan

Turpan shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Turpan markets, department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping in Urumqi

Shopping in Urumqi

Urumqi shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Urumqi Erdaoqiao markets, grand internation bazaar, department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping in Dunhuang

Shopping in Dunhuang

Dunhuang shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Dunhuang markets, department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping in Lanzhou

Shopping in Lanzhou

Lanzhou shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Lanzhou markets, department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping in Xian

Shopping in Xian

Xian shopping guide tell travelers where to shop, what to buy, shopping tips at Xian markets, department stores, shopping mall, supermarkets...

Shopping on the Silk Road

Shopping on the Silk Road

The Silk Road China is commercial trade route to exchange goods such us clay & metal ethnic handicrafts, dry fruits, jade, Chinese art works in Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang where shopping visitors should be done.